Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy new year everyone,

i discovered an interesting article on the site of our program tiled( see here).

In this article there is an explanation of a feature called auto mapping.
With this we can simplify the process of placing colliders on the objects after setting a few rules.
Basically our rules will be like: if there is a tree on the field add a tree collider to it.

In addition to the advantages Luna has when building maps it is also possible to give the different tiles custom properties.

After i change the import script that Tiled2Unity uses the interaction system becomes a lot more simple.
By having different objects and not groups of objects in unity i can acess the custom properties of each object and thus determine what it is and what loot it gives.

Right now Luna and I are getting used to the auto mapping feature and to the script changes.
Using this approach i am sure that we will be able to finish the interaction system a bit faster than planned.

I hope you all look forward to the next game update, since it will bring many changes and follow this blog in the new year 2016.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes


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