Sunday, December 20, 2015

Good evening everyone,

this time there is just a small update to the game.

Luna worked on improving the collisions, however there are only small changes visible yet.
You can check the new collisions for yourself on the top forest map.
(I changed the button to walk again from 'w' to 'e' since i realized that some people might use wasd to move)
After the next week Luna will continue with her work and improve the collisions even further.

As for me: I have started planning out our individual interaction system.
I promised you some more details and here is my rough plan for it:

I will use a three dimensional array, i will save the x coordinate, y coordinate and a number corresponding to the object that is at that place in it. With this i can check which object the player is facing based on the coordinates and show the according menu.

In the background of this system there will be many classes for the different types of objects, like rocks, trees, water or flowers.( classes are kinda like instructions on how to build an object. )

So once the class of lets say a rock has been opened there is a method in it which will change the entries of a menu.
A method is kind of an action, like walking or talking. In this case it will change the entries of a text based menu.

From then on the player can decide what to do and a different class will perform the chosen action, like picking up an object.

I do believe that this will take some time to complete, so stay up to date and dont miss the time that you can see some changes again. :)

As always you can play the updated version here.

I wish all of you merry christmas and some relaxing days.
Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Good evening,

this week Luna worked on testing new forms of colliders. Meaning she worked on the player not stopping too far from trees and other objects. Due to the fact that she is still in the middle of improving our maps there is no update for that this week.

I wanted to finish the interaction system this week. After i succesfully figured out the location of the object in front of the player, by taking the players position and direction into account i started looking for a way to figure out which object is at a given location in unity.
The result is that there is none.

There are two ways to create an interaction system in unity. The first would be to search in a list of all objects for the object you want. This is however not a good idea due to the performance suffering from it. The other method is to use colliders and once the player collides with an object a certain code is started and a program runs.

Since i want the player to be able to interact with every tile those solutions arent really suitable for this project.

I got some advice from a friend and decided to create my own system for this.
It will probably take several weeks, but the game will be faster and i can form the system to match my needs 100%.

The idea is to use a 2 dimensional array(imagine it like a table or grid) and store information about each location in my 2d world there. Once i finish planning the system i will tell you a bit more about it.

I have something else that i want to tell you today. In the week from the 21. december to the 27. december there will be no game or blog update due to the many christmas related events in this time.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Good evening,

this week Luna fixed the graphics that didnt match at the edges of the maps.
In addition to that she created a new map for you to explore.

During the time that she spent working on improving the maps i finished the first step for the interaction system.
The first step was to make it possible to get the location of the player at any time.

Once i know the players location i have to check the direction the player is facing in and can then determine what object is in front of the player. This however will be implemented next week.

In order for it to be more fun to explore the map i have added a function to increase the player speed.
By pressing 'r' you start running and by pressing 'w' you continue walking.
The animation speed does not change corresponding to the movement speed though.

Please check out the new features and tell me your opinion in a comment.

You can play the updated version here.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes
