Monday, January 25, 2016

Hi everyone,

sorry for the late blogpost this time around.

To make up for it i will tell you some great news.
Our team has grown by another member!

We now have an additional developer called Andrew and he will help me with finishing the interaction system faster. He has previous experience with game development and with unity as well and supports us in other areas than developing as well.

As for a new update there will be one next week with a new map for you to explore.
Depending on our progress on the interaction system there might even be new functions concerning the gameplay, but i cant promise that.

This week we were busy planning and testing various stuff. Automapping still isnt working, custom properties arent showing up in unity yet, the maps need a little workover and the interaction system and code recreation are still in work.

Look forward to the update next week.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes


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