Sunday, November 22, 2015

Good evening everyone,

this week my focus was on improving the game version rather than bringing out new content.

Some people told me a few things that didnt feel right and i worked on correcting them.

So i fixed the following issues:

- walking speed diagonally is now the same as walking speed into any other direction
- camera doesnt follow behind but stays with the player all the time
- animation speed has been slowed down to match the walking speed

During that time Luna made a new map, showing a part of the wide more or less empty lands left of the forest:

In addition to that she spent a lot of time reorganizing layers and objects. The aim was to make it easier to work with the maps in unity. Since these changes have yet to be completed you will still walk behind lakes and other objects from time to time.

You can play the updated version here.
It is important that you delete your cookies if you still see the old game. You will see the forest map, if you have the correct version.
In addition to the changes to the game and map structure we made it easier to comment, by removing a security question.

I hope you will all test the new version and tell me how it feels like now.
If you have trouble opening the game please refrain from using google chrome and try a different browser.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes


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