Hello everyone,
thanks for your patience.
After 3 long month we finally managed to get the first bit of our interaction system working.
When pressing 'space' you can now see what kind of object is in front of you.
However it is not always correct what it shows since there are some errors in the map structure which we need to fix first.
I got some more news for you. First the bad ones:
Luna will stop working on Noria in order to focus on her studies at university and her YouTube channel.
Now the good ones:
We got two new members who will support us from now on.
Diana will create new graphics for our maps, after practising a bit.
Our other new member will check our source code in order to improve it.
(The process is called refactoring and the aim is to make the source code easier to read and to increase the performance - faster and less resource consuming.)
As you can see the blog as the game have undergone changes.
For the blog we have a permanent game link on the right side now as well as some advertisement.
I would like you to check the advertisement from time to time in order to support us. We will use the money to rent a better server so all the people using chrome or Linux/other operating systems can play the game as well.
In the game you can now switch between walking and running by pressing shift once. In addition to that our text now has a background so it is easier to read. As well as of course our main feature this week the text changes depending on the object you are investigating.
Thanks for your continuous support and look forward to the improvements in the next weeks.
Best wishes
Thanks for the feedback :) I am really happy about having a game link there as well. Look forward to our update next Sunday. You will love the progress for sure :)