Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hi guys,

today I want to introduce the different tools and software programs that i am using in order to create my game.

First off the most important one:
My development software. I am using Unity 5, which is widely popular among people who create games in their free time.
There has been a change from version 4 to 5 so some tutorials are outdated and don't work perfectly.

Anyway. With this software i can place many objects, write code on how they should behave and change the objects shape and position. I can also change the look of things and everything comes together in this program. With Events and reactions i can create a moving surrounding in which players can explore the different things there are to see.

The next one is Blender.
Blender is a program to create 3d Graphics. My aim is a 2d Game, so i will be using Blender for the landscape and map tiles and not for the characters. Its compatible with unity as well, so this works in my favor.
Blender is a software that is very hard to learn at the beginning though. It has a huge variety of functions and many functions can only be used if you know the shortcut for it on your keyboard.
Since my skills here are at the absolute beginning i will have to focus on learning them once i need the graphics.

So here is the last program i want to introduce: Adobe Photoshop.
I am not sure that i really need to explain such a well known software but anyway.... I am using it for my 2D graphics which i will import into unity ... once i found out how to do so.
It has a wide variety of functions and is a professional software used in many companies.

So that is it for my overview. I don't have any software to make some decent sounds or songs yet.
If you have any advices or questions feel free to leave me a comment.

Best wishes


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