Sunday, April 17, 2016

Menu refuses to work but splash screen arrived

Good evening to all of you,

this time andrew managed to implement the splash screen(which you can see when playing the game).
The background is temporary until we have our own awesome background image.

I fixed the distance bug in the last two weeks. Well if you set it public and not as a constant it will get overwritten by the value written in the public field. It took a long while until a friend realized the issue and helped me fix it.
In addition to that I worked a lot on the menu and implemented choices and reactions.
So basically everything is ready for some nice interaction with the objects around the player, however even after many hours I am still unable to fix one bug i have there, which makes it impossible to present it to you today.

I am very sorry about that since i was really looking forward to it.
I hope i can fix it in the next two weeks and make one more step into the direction of a fully working interaction system.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes


Sunday, April 3, 2016

a letter from google

Hi there everyone,

this time i got some good news for you.

The letter from google finally arrived so once we collected enough money from the advertisement on this blog we can rent the server and implement WebGL so everyone can play.
On this note i am really grateful to those who have clicked so far and supported us this way.

Since Luna isnt there to take care of the map creation anymore Andrew is working on it. The result of a reworked map so far is this:

As for the development of the game I am currently working on fixing a major bug(which is that the range at which objects can be identified is not correct).
We are using unitys raycast system for this, however changing the lengh of the raycast from 1 to 200 somehow doesnt change the lengh so its a bit problematic.

I got some things to look forward to for you as well. While working on the maps Andrew also created a starting screen for the game. There you can see the current version, update notes and what you did last time you played.
It isnt finished yet but i am sure it is going to give the game a better feeling when starting it.

Thanks for your continuous support.

Best wishes
